Finn's Rescue Ranch Foster's

Considering Fostering?

Want to know if welcoming a homeless pet into your home is right for you? Here are some frequently asked questions to help you decide if this opportunity is a good choice for you.

What is a Foster Parent?

A foster parent provides a temporary home for an animal (or multiple animals) until they are ready for adoption or until they are adopted. Foster parents are incredibly important because they typically care for animals that would benefit from not being in the shelter, including kittens and puppies too young for adoption and animals with a medical or behavioral condition that is best addressed in a home setting.

Foster parents help Peggy Adams save more animals by freeing up space at the shelter to help other animals in need.

Why should I Foster?
  • Helps animals in need
  • Short-term commitment
  • Perfect for snowbirds
  • Students can earn community service hours if approved by school
  • It’s free – the League provides everything you need to foster.
  • Save lives!
How long is the commitment?

Fostering can last anywhere from a few days to a few months, depending on the needs of the animal. We always have a need for foster homes throughout the year.

What costs will I be responsible for?

Finn’s Rescue Ranch will provide all supplies needed to care for your foster animal. This includes medications, follow-up veterinary visits, food, litter, bedding, bowls, crates, collars, and leashes. Foster Parents are responsible for transportation to and from the shelter for check-ups and medical care.

What requirements are we looking for?
  • Foster Parents must be at least 18 years old
  • 10 –17-year-olds can foster with a parent or guardian serving as the primary caregiver through our iFoster Program
  • Foster Parents must keep their foster animal(s) separated from personal pets for the first 14 days
  • All dogs must be kept on a leash or supervised in an enclosed area when outside
Can I foster to fulfill court-appointed community service hours?

The Foster Program and other animal-facing roles are not available to those seeking to fulfill court-appointed hours. No exceptions.